Lucas Nicodemus I've found myself increasingly exhausted with keeping up with Twitter lately. Tweetbot has been at 1k+ unread for a while, and I've had to add about 20 mute filters to remove Pokemon Go from my timeline. I feel like aggressively filtering my feed isn't healthy, so I might just quit all together for a while. Time to use Sublevel for real?
Mark Dain Every time I get back into Twitter, I follow a few accounts but I always end up with just so much noise. Adverts (Twitter for iOS) everywhere, loads of retweeted spam, random stuff I don't care about. One of the many things I adore about Sublevel is the signal-to-noise is almost 100% which I can't say I even thought was possible.
8y, 9w 1 reply
Lucas Nicodemus It's a mixed bag. I love Twitter -- I have for a long time. I use a third party client (Tweetbot) so I don't see ads. I definitely follow a subset of people I care about, as well as a good mix of other more noisy sources.
8y, 9w reply
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