Lucas Nicodemus I've found myself increasingly exhausted with keeping up with Twitter lately. Tweetbot has been at 1k+ unread for a while, and I've had to add about 20 mute filters to remove Pokemon Go from my timeline. I feel like aggressively filtering my feed isn't healthy, so I might just quit all together for a while. Time to use Sublevel for real?
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Dorcas Isn't there an option in Twitter's settings to turn off Tweet bot's feed?
8y, 8w reply
Mark Dain Every time I get back into Twitter, I follow a few accounts but I always end up with just so much noise. Adverts (Twitter for iOS) everywhere, loads of retweeted spam, random stuff I don't care about. One of the many things I adore about Sublevel is the signal-to-noise is almost 100% which I can't say I even thought was possible.
8y, 9w 1 reply
Lucas Nicodemus It's a mixed bag. I love Twitter -- I have for a long time. I use a third party client (Tweetbot) so I don't see ads. I definitely follow a subset of people I care about, as well as a good mix of other more noisy sources.
8y, 9w reply
Martijn What's wrong with unfollowing and filtering people off your feed? Sounds healthy enough. People who feel they cannot unfollow (or unfriend) people on social media are acting way more unhealthy.
8y, 9w 1 reply
Lucas Nicodemus This is a fair enough point, but part of it is the notion that I'm public on Twitter, and thus, even if I unfollow people, they can definitely still read my tweets. Even if I block someone, they can read them incognito. I could switch to a protected account, but then I lose a lot of what I use twitter for (reaching out to people I don't normally reach out to, being retweeted, retweeting, etc).
8y, 9w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin You should use Sublevel if you're looking to have real conversations.
8y, 9w 1 reply
Lucas Nicodemus To be quite honest, I've definitely felt like I've had real conversations on Twitter -- I actually really like the platform. Switching to DMs was easy for me, and mentions weren't a half bad mechanic for people I don't normally talk to (old classmates, for example).
8y, 9w reply