Martijn Going to leave this one link here, as MetaFilter is one of the least poisonous places on the internet and the comments will not make you sick.
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Mark Dain I've never been to MetaFilter, I thought you were being sarcastic about the comments. They're really nice. I see a lot of people posting ".", are they moderated/deleted comments or are people bumping the thread?
8y, 13w 1 reply
Martijn They are silent comments. People who have nothing to add to the discussion but want to show they are thinking about the events. I guess it is a shortened form of "R.I.P." for when that doesn't really cover it. MetaFilter is one of the few places on the web where you can safely read the comments, because even discussions happen in a civilised and often link-sourced way. My favourite place to follow events such as this, if there is such a thing as favourite when something this horrible happens.
8y, 13w reply
Asko P. Another reason to never visit U.S if you even remotely care about your well-being.
8y, 13w 1 reply
Martijn I would feel less save going east towards the Balkans, Baltics, and Russia, if worried about being attacked for my sexuality, than going west towards the U.S.
8y, 13w reply