Martijn Looking for a simple graphical SVG editor for Mac OS X. Tips welcome. I would rather not install XQuartz to run Inkscape.
Mark Dain It depends what you need specifically? For a generic vector editor, I can only recommend Inkscape or Illustrator. If you want to do design / UI or mockup work, I love for this, it's far superior to using a generic tool as it's really built for this
8y, 14w 4 replies
Asko P. Sketch reminds me of those awkward times when a client gives me sketch files and I have to tell them that I use Windows.
8y, 14w 2 replies
Mark Dain You're a web designer/developer who doesn't use a Mac? *eyes start twitching* *foaming coming out of mouth* In all seriousness, did they already have the Sketch file then they started? Perhaps it's a good idea to let them know right up front you can't accept Sketch files. Do you accept PSD?
8y, 14w 1 reply
Asko P. Everything that Adobe supports (doesn't really have to be Adobe, just has to run on Windows, too), I accept, and PSD's are still most of the industry, but apparently quite a few designers have stopped caring about what most of the world uses and just into their own preference not realizing that while the tech world uses Macs a ton, they also use Windows and Linux a ton.
8y, 14w reply
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