🏒 Lucian Marin Dear Apple board, please fire Tim Cook and bring back Scott Forstall. Thank you!
Mark Dain +1 for bringing back Scott Forstall but Tim Cook did nothing wrong. Jonny Ive running the show is what screwed up iOS
8y, 22w 3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Did nothing wrong!? Tim Cook fired Scott Forstall and promoted Jonny Ive.
8y, 22w 2 replies
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Mark Dain I thought that happened after the iOS 6 Apple Maps scandal? Idk, he's done a lot of good too, like standing up for privacy & security
8y, 22w 1 reply
Martijn "he's done a lot of good too" -- definitely. Including basically running Apple for 15 years, making the supply chain profitable and running all operations during Jobs' sick leave. It is very likely he promoted Ive because he know very well that he himself is more business than visionary, thus bringing one of the lead designers picked by Jobs up sounds like a sound idea as well.
8y, 22w reply