Mark Dain I can't stand websites that use the secret question/answer method to recover access. I'm basically locked out of my Sainsburys account as I can't tell them what my first car was (hint: I don't drive, I could have put anything there!)
🏒 Lucian Marin I let Chrome save and manage all my passwords. I know they encrypt them, so it's pretty safe. What I do is let others browser import everything from Chrome. I don't enable iCloud for Keychain or anything else because it makes Safari and OS X slow.
8y, 25w 3 replies
Mark Dain This site doesn't let you save passwords (#19871) but even if it did, Chrome, last I checked, doesn't let you have a master password so if it is encrypted I'm skeptical about how much security that offers.
8y, 25w 2 replies
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John Olinda My Chrome setup has a master password for all my sync data, even though I save passwords through Lastpass. But when I set up a new Chrome install I have to enter that before it will decrypt my data.
8y, 25w reply
Martijn Chrome encrypts based on your OS user credentials. For Windows it uses the CryptProtectData API tied to your logon credentials and I seem to recall it uses whatever keyring is available on unix/linux platforms.
8y, 25w reply