Eric Got my laptop working perfectly, everything was fine. Lenovo recommended installing a driver. Now only network boot options show in the BIOS, no USB, no SATA, not even the DVD. My laptop is bricked. I'm done, so done. Glad I had the smarts to backup and more glad I got a holiday at the end of this week. I now have a very costly brick until I get the patience to waste my energy fixing it for it to break again. Lenovo & Windows, never again.
John Olinda Have you disconnected the internal motherboard battery? My T400 is very old, so maybe that trick doesn't work anymore, but I messed up a BIOS update and popped that battery out along with the big batteries and the AC power and cycled the power switch a couple times to make sure it was cold and then booted it back up from AC power. I didn't bookmark the link that I found the steps at though, so I'll have to see if I can find it.
8y, 26w 1 reply
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Eric Nah and I'm not gonna, I found the warranty receipts and I'm gonna take it back and get a Mac instead (even if I have to pay a little more). Had it with Windows. Typing this on my old Snow Leopard machine which is still going strong after all these years.
8y, 26w reply