😀 Tom There's an interesting documentary series called Dark Net. It "explores the dark web, and themes such as bio-hacking, cyber kidnapping, digital warfare, online cults," etc. I've only watched the first two episodes so far, and it will be interesting to watch the rest.
Seth Kontny New? Or older? Algorithms is a good movie
8y, 29w 2 replies
😀 Tom www.imdb.com/title/tt5397520/ Algorithm (2014, fiction) or Algorithms (2013, documentary, about chess)? Also, We Live In Public (2009, documentary) is pretty interesting as well.
8y, 29w 1 reply
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Seth Kontny thanks for linking me in dark net is something else I've not seen. Interesting, however there is a movie called dark web and its not very good - coming out soon .
8y, 29w reply