Simon Janes Peter's Requiem on Github:
John Olinda Unfortunately he is probably right.
8y, 43w 3 replies
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Simon Janes Going to try GitLab. You can at least install a community edition if you need self-hosting. The "most starred" product is GitLab CE itself, which is slightly worrisome, sounds like it needs a keynote project to attract "social" users. Also finding things like that could be useful.
8y, 43w 2 replies
John Olinda Yeah, I like GitLab so far, although I use it solo and don't use the web interface all that much. It's a good alternative to GitHub and I think that over time it will grow in use. I'd like to set up my own hosted version of it, but that's another project for another day.
8y, 43w 1 reply