💬 Subreply Fixed feed to not display duplicates. Also, Sublevel is using San Francisco font on OS X El Capitan starting with Firefox 45 and latest Chrome versions.
Adam Douglas "font:14px/20px -apple-system,caption,sans-serif" would save a few bytes. Pity iOS doesn't like caption
8y, 32w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin The CSS font-family property has become a mess. It used to be so simple, just list the font names. Now we have to set variables for each platform, web font names, local font names and defaults.
8y, 32w 1 reply
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Adam Douglas Yeah, it is pretty ridiculous. There should be a single declaration for each kind of font, serif, sans-serif, monospace etc. and these should evaluate to the default system font (with the burden of providing comprehensive character sets falling upon the OS vendors). The web is tending towards needless complexity in a number of ways as control measures are introduced for problems which should not be arising, or should be addressed at the native level rather than by "hacks". @font-face is getting more complex as well. tabatkins.github.i... -- it's nice to have this control, but it shouldn't be necessary.
8y, 32w reply