😀 Tom Sometimes I wonder how things would have turned out if I didn't stop programming back in high school. I dispised the teacher that caused me to get in trouble (he lied). After many years, I thought I finally forgave him, but now I'm not sure. I'm happy with where I am in life now, but sometimes I still wonder.
🏒 Lucian Marin I stopped programming at the end of high school. I got back to it just a few years ago when I joined a startup as a designer and I noticed that I'm better than so called "programmers". I don't regret the design years. Thinking as a designer stops me from writing inelegant code.
8y, 33w 1 reply
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😀 Tom I took a few programming courses in high school. I was the best student in those courses by a large margin (For example, I completed a test and got the only perfect score because the teacher designed the test so that it couldn't be completed in time). I just lost interest since then and haven't had a sustained urge to start up again. I reiterated code until it was elegant as well, though I'm not much of a designer. I've had the time and opportunity, but I just haven't had the desire. Maybe in due time, I have other computer-related projects that I'm working on.
8y, 33w reply