Martijn As the last Sublevel breaking (of #19213) took down my post regarding my obsessive compulsions, let me put up another soul searching one. Lately I have been wondering if I could make a multi-partnered relationship work. Anyone else ever wonder about that?
Mark Dain Multi partnered? Do you mean polyamorous? I know several friends who are polyamorous, it works well for them
8y, 36w 6 replies
Martijn I hear a lot of polyamorous people about multiple relationships, which sounds like more work than it is worth. I was thinking one relationship where everyone is everyone's partner.
8y, 36w 5 replies
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Khll That relationship would be interesting but solely from a Combinatorics perspective.
8y, 36w 4 replies
Martijn It would be pretty simple, actually, as everyone would be part of the same set. Polyamorous relationships where several people have multiple none-shared partners gets way more interesting. I am not sure I could cope with keeping track of it if I were in the middle of it though.
8y, 36w 3 replies