😀 Tom I'm not much of a Linux person (yet), but I just installed a new SSD in my laptop and installed Linux Mint 17.3 on it. I'm impressed. It looks and behaves much better than Ubuntu.
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John Olinda It's a great operating system, whether you're using the MATE, Cinnamon, or XFCE variant. Definitely my go-to if I need to get an OS on a computer and it doesn't require Windows.
8y, 34w 1 reply
😀 Tom Using Cinnamon. I miss having a taskbar where I can actually see what's open. When I ran Win 7/8.1, I just used the large icons (hid the titlebar text) in the taskbar, but I never combined icons and I had window previews when hovering over them. I didn't like Ubuntu enough to figure out how to do that with Unity. RaMMicHaeL's 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is awesome for Windows.
8y, 34w reply