🏒 Lucian Marin People won't use autonomous cars because they're simply robots on wheels. People like robots, but they usually reject them in the end. Autonomous public transport is a better idea that might gain traction and reduce traffic in big cities.
Mark Dain I see this through the same light as I see Soylent; it's a fuel replacement only. I'd probably use self-driving cars for getting to work but when I learn to drive, I think I'd like going places by myself, on the weekends. Edit: For the record, I catch the train to work so in many ways my journey is already autonomous. I'd want to keep that aspect, but not have to deal with annoying people on public transit
8y, 39w 2 replies
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Seth Kontny Have you used soylent? I've wanted to demo, sample one sometime. Maybe I need to reach out to company. As for autonomous design --> = <--
8y, 36w 1 reply
Mark Dain Not Soylent, but I did use the European clone, Joylent for about 2 weeks solid then I switched to using it when it's more convenient than regular food. I'm considering going back to eating it almost all the time at the moment (partly as I want to be healthier & spend less money). I cut back mostly as I was starting to hate the same taste for every meal of every day. It's easy to prepare and while I don't feel any different drinking it, I did get complements from people who hadn't seen me in a while. They said I had more color and I looked less peaky.
8y, 36w reply