Martijn Suddenly my phone explosies in simultaneous vibrating rythms. Loads of my news apps have pushed notifications. Thinking something terrible has happened in the world again, I throw my dinner aside and rush to unlock my phone... Oh... They just signed the climate agreement
😀 Tom Something terrible has happened.
8y, 51w 2 replies
Mark Dain The climate agreement? I don't know much about it, what don't you like about it?
8y, 51w 1 reply
😀 Tom It will impose restrictions which will effect the lives of everyday people. Nearly 200 countries agreed to this. How many of those countries have the resources to do their own independent studies? The small countries are taking everyone else's word for it, and I garuntee you in the U.S., it's heavily affected by politics. Science aside, people are cheering for something they don't understand. They are giving up freedom for some politician's word that they'll be better off in the future, whereas in the future, those politicians won't be bound by the same restrictions everyone else is. They're cheering for the very thing they despise.
8y, 51w reply
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