Nkrs TV ad: "We wanted to make our new orange juice different so we used actual fruit" What they probably expected from people: "amazing and commendable that they do this" What I understood: "so wait, they weren't using actual fruit until now... ?"
Mark Dain What's worse? The fact they're just using actual fruit now or the fact they can announce this in an advert and make money off it? So messed up
8y, 41w 2 replies
Nkrs Maybe it was a jab at other juice companies. After all, most of the juice here is pumpkin juice with small percentage of other fruit and lots of sugar, artificial flavours, and additives. It's a really shitty marketing move; I'd be more inclined to buy something if the ad listed its good characteristics rather than saying what's wrong with other similar products.
8y, 40w reply
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