Kind and good. Enjoys all creative endeavours.
📉 Bill What laptop does everyone use?
🧅 Onion Samson A friend gifted me a 12.5" Lenovo X250. I've upgraded the panel to 1920x1080, put it to 8Gb RAM, 250Gb SSD, and a second internal battery to supplement the giant bumpy external one. Wonderful general use machine. Only let down slightly by the i3 processor and the occasional hitch when decoding video (could be RAM or something else but closing the lid and opening fixes it).
4y, 23w 1 reply
🌮 Hejo I am about to start 'Infinite Jest' and 'Catch 22'
🧅 Onion Samson It took me almost a full year to exclusively read Infinite Jest. I can't say I relished or grew from the experience, but definitely found it brain-warping. Sheer willpower blundered through it.
4y, 23w reply
Felix What are you currently reading? I need inspirations
🧅 Onion Samson Reading Catch-22 for the first time. Halfway through. It's hilarious and brilliant. Power struggles, hierarchy, and lots of ludicrous moments to laugh along with.
4y, 23w reply