Diva Just waiting for the thunderstorms, as promised in the weather forecasts...
Nick Silvestri This morning the clouds darkened the city so much I had to double check that my phone didn't change time zones 3 hours ahead. Streetlamps were still on.
3y, 39w 5 replies
Diva Oh wow! And was there a big storm?
3y, 39w 4 replies
Nick Silvestri Not particularly, pretty run-of-the-mill, as far as storms are concerned. Earlier this week we had a 30 minute storm that must have laid down a fair few inches. When I lived in Arizona, we once got 4.5 inches overnight and it flooded everything for days. Public parks turned into swimming pools. Lucky I didn't get giardia.
3y, 39w 3 replies
Diva WOAH! Once that a once in a lifetime occurrence for Arizona?
3y, 39w 2 replies
Nick Silvestri Definitely once-a-decade at least. Arizona actually has a monsoon season every July-September, so at least once a year there's a storm that comes through with an inch or two.
3y, 39w reply
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