Nkrs In regards to , it seems like majority uses web apps for RSS feeds, with minor use of desktop apps that appear to be available only on the Mac. I guess it is time to roll my own, could be a fun project for the weekend.
Martijn I think the reason you will see web apps being used is that people end up needing an always-online system that keeps check of feeds when their own machines are offline. When you have the server based system, it often makes sense to turn that into a web app.
6y, 38w 3 replies
Nkrs That's understandable, though my take is that it is also convenient to use from a mobile phone if you set it up on your web host. I consume feeds on my computer, once or twice per day, so it makes sense to me to have it run and download stuff only when I am interested.
6y, 38w 2 replies
Martijn That might still have you miss content from high throughput sites. E.g. sites who limit their feeds to the 5 latest items, but have made 6 posts between your computer's download moments.
6y, 38w 1 reply
Nkrs I don't follow many sites like that, in fact, Hacker News might be the only things. I could make it so the program minimises to tray and runs in background, with notifications popping up when there's something new.
6y, 38w reply
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