Martijn While everyone is being distracted by US politics, may I nudge your attention towards Iceland?
Nkrs I think it is incredible that their PM resigned right after the leak. In similar situations, and there have been plenty of those in the last four years, our PM literally goes and cries on TV about being set up by his opponents, agents of disruption, haters, and naysayers.
Martijn The first public protests out on the streets were happening just hours after the panama files broke. There was no way the PM could go on. It also doesn't help him that the Pirate Party has been leading the polls and their seems to be a general social liberal (sometimes anarchistic) wind blowing.
8y, 3w 1 reply
Nkrs I've read about the protests, and they're nothing like the protests I've seen -- no policemen in complete armour with shields and batons, no teargas, no water cannons. I really admire people from Iceland, they know what kind of government they want, and they organize to get it. It's not even remotely comparable to what we have, and I truly envy them.
8y, 3w reply
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