Eric There shouldn't be a problem with the screen readers - they will read the page as follows: PlaceNameA: n*[date:status], PlaceNameB: n*[date:status], PlaceNameC: n*[date:status] - If you look at the source all the tables are very semantic. This is a mobile first approach really, the tricksy bit is how it displays on desktop.
Martijn Except modern screen readers interpret CSS and will not read elements that have their display set to none, this has led to such fuzzy CSS as seen in Bootstrap:
9y, 14w 3 replies
Eric Excellent link, now updated.
9y, 14w 2 replies
Martijn While we are on an accessibility roll, maybe update the boundary map and expose some good alternative content to screen readers?
9y, 14w 1 reply
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Eric The SVG does require some work, the areas become solid black when in Print-Preview on Chrome (not tested an actual print). I think I'll use this page as a demonstration of accessibility techniques.. Just not tonight - too sleepy.
9y, 14w reply