John Olinda Good grief. This is Privacy Badger on ::
Martijn Do you have a reason for using Privacy Badger over something like Adblock Plus? Over at PRISM Break we aren't sure of including it.
9y, 16w 5 replies
John Olinda I used ABP for a long time but I wanted to try something that specifically targeted elements that could cause privacy issues while allowing me to let harmless stuff through so that I could support (what I consider to be) legitimate uses of ads. I also like that it lets me set higher levels or lower levels than what they choose if I want to.
9y, 16w 2 replies
Martijn You could do that with ABP by subscribing to blocklists like EasyPrivacy and not running any adblocking lists. For more of our thoughts, see the other reply I wrote:
9y, 16w 1 reply
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John Olinda That's true, it's just that I'm interested in something that's low-configuration that specifically targets privacy concerns. I'm also "dogfooding" some extensions that we're going to roll out to our students to protect their privacy, and it would be a nightmare to provision all 100+ laptops with the right blocklists, which is why PB appeals to us.
9y, 16w reply