Martijn Welcome OS X Yosemite. I like your default wallpaper. Dropbox & 1Password are installed to get access to my online life... now for the rest.
Mark Dain Any reason you use 1Password over Keychain?
9y, 20w 3 replies
Martijn It syncs with Android (via Dropbox in my current setup), it has a great UI for storing more than just passwords (productkeys, notes), great menu bar application that allows me to generate passwords on the fly. Keychain is solid for storing identities and strings, but misses several things I need in my daily workflow.
9y, 20w 2 replies
Mark Dain I'd be *very* wary of syncing my passwords. For me, I use a single computer so I can do almost everything locally. Keychain can store notes as well as SSL certificates but what's annoying is it doesn't work in Firefox (it uses it's own store) so the main use isn't there. I still use it for generating passwords though.
9y, 20w 1 reply
Martijn 1Password stores everything in an AES encrypted package according to a public format open to scrutiny. I feel fairly secure about syncing it, though I would prefer to cut Dropbox out of the equation.
9y, 20w reply
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