Martijn Comparing that with it seems like there has been a switch from Tastypie to Django REST Framework for the API, so none of those old URLs are likely to work.
7y, 43w 5 replies
Mark Dain Yeah, looks like it's read only now :( I suppose you could always read from the API and "write" by POSTing to the various endpoints used by the website.
7y, 43w 4 replies
Martijn Currently looking into that, yes. My blog is nearing release and I wanted to mirror my Twitter-/Sublevel-like notes from my blog to here, else I fear my Sublevel is just going to fall into disuse.
7y, 43w 3 replies
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Mark Dain I've noticed since I started using Twitter more (due to the Safari http/2 issues), I often have to copy my posts over and I don't always remember to do so. Later this year in October I need to keep 3 networks up to date with my holiday stuff. I'm considering writing a little script as I can automate Facebook & Twitter. Can't do much about Sublevel. I'd greatly appreciate if you shared your API work, even if it's just documentation!
7y, 43w 2 replies
Martijn Knowing me it will be an implementation rather than documentation. But if I do end up making something it will definitely be on my GitHub. Will share.
7y, 43w 1 reply