Martijn Wow, it took surprisingly long for the Ubuntu font to load on my phone. It does look fancy once it is there though.
🦿 Lucian Marin My problem is with San Francisco ( It looks quite bad for a heavy text site. Even Apple doesn't uses it on their site. I can simply use the new `-apple-system` property ( and trigger the default font for other platforms, but I think web fonts are the future. Safari 9 and Firefox waits for web fonts to be ready before rendering, Chrome and Edge doesn't. Maybe Apple will fix San Francisco before releasing it on iOS 9 and El Capitan.
8y, 40w 2 replies
Martijn I liked it when Sublevel had Roboto in its font stack. Looked great on Android Chrome and even on my MacBook after installing the font locally. But fonts will always be a problem, font files are just too big to be a dependance on websites IMHO. And I haven't seen anyone work to change that.
8y, 40w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin The problem is the lack of fonts on mobile operating systems. I can use Seravek on OS X, but not on iOS. iBooks on iOS can download it, but Safari can't.
8y, 40w reply
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