Martijn Just got to run, trying Vagrant for development instead of diving into Mac's default Apache/PHP again.
🦿 Lucian Marin I would have used something like Lighttpd instead of Apache and probably made the front end stuff optional.
9y, 18w 3 replies
Martijn I am strictly a coder and have little insight in server management. This gets pretty close to my hosting package so it is just as well.
9y, 18w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin There's no such thing as "server management". It's part of the code. If the server doesn't work well, your code won't work well.
9y, 17w 1 reply
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Martijn That's true to some extend. However when I am working with PHP I have no reason to know what OS, server software (Apache, something else), or interpreter (PHP, HHVM, ...) is running. I just have to make sure my code runs on whatever my current hosting package is offering, or in case of open-source projects some minimal version numbers.
9y, 17w reply