Leithart tell me about this thing. what's its deal? what makes it better than twitter/facebook?
🦿 Lucian Marin The most important thing is that you are truly the owner of your account. You can delete the replies you don't like for example. It's like having your own "social" network, yet you have access to all members on Sublevel.
9y, 30w 9 replies
Leithart this is interesting. what are the implications of trusting your customers that much, especially when anyone can join? to allow users that level of control, you have to trust them; but if you don't have any way of filtering, how can you trust them?
9y, 30w 8 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin We trust each other or we don't. That's how things work in real life too. But mostly we tend to trust each other and build things together, awesome things. In the end, Sublevel is just a technology layer and nothing more.
9y, 30w 3 replies
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Leithart hah, this could turn philosophical really quickly... that last sentence is pretty abstract, though. what do you mean by a technology layer?
9y, 30w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Internet (HTTP), email (POP/IMAP), BitTorrent, etc. I know there's no absolute control over these protocols, but people can decide how to use them. That's important.
9y, 30w 1 reply