Lois ahh, so this is an activity stream. so this is like twitter but i can actually use sentences
🦿 Lucian Marin ...along with threads from Reddit, but without subreddits. It's more like a single, general purpose subreddit called Sublevel.
6y, 50w 6 replies
Lois i'm not familiar with reddit. i mean i knowit exists but never paid it a visit. this works nicely though. so you wrote it with python i'm guessing from your other message - did you use something like django or flask or is it from scratch?
6y, 50w 5 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin It's built on top of Django 1.8, but code is compatible with Django 1.11 too. I don't see a reason to upgrade just yet. The project started on 1.5 or 1.6, I forgot.
6y, 50w 4 replies
Lois django templates or jinja2? what db - postgresql?
6y, 50w 3 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin You can find the full stack at the bottom of page.
6y, 50w 2 replies
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Lois i see. ironic that the average post length is less than a tweet, despite the freedom to go beyond
6y, 50w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin But it's twice as big as average tweet (60 characters). It's on par with Facebook which has no character limit.
6y, 50w reply