🦿 Lucian Marin My first pair of headphones had 4 meters of cable, so I can listen everywhere in my room including bed. Technics RP-F300 were I pain to use. So yeah, I think Apple is on the right track with wireless headphones. But I don't understand why they don't use USB-C for the iPhone. They can't even provide fast charging over Lightning.
Martijn Wireless is probably the right track. But it feels too early and not thought through enough. $159 is not a starting price to get people on board. Shipping a wired headset with the phone does not show initiative. Of course that is just me complaining about tech I was never going to buy anyway
7y, 33w 3 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin They are dual driver wireless headphones with four microphones, two accelerometers, two processors, individual batteries and a battery powered case. $159 is pocket change, really.
7y, 33w 2 replies
Martijn Oh, it is a neat little package. Just not the right way to get people on board with wireless if you'd ask me. A starting model that does nothing other than give me sound and record my voice. Does that need all those things? I think not. Should that cost $159 if you want to convince people to make the switch? Definitely not.
7y, 33w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin AirPods are looking like they are coming from the future for the same price of any other dumb wireless headphones with an wire between them.
7y, 33w reply
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