Martijn Can't wait for this to ship. I use my Chromecast for most media, and VLC would make it complete.
John Olinda That will be incredibly handy. I use a Chromecast in the classroom and having the option to stream from VLC to it will cut out some of the hacky workarounds I use now.
7y, 45w 3 replies
Martijn What do you currently use? I have had some success with
7y, 45w 2 replies
John Olinda Dragging media to the browser (doesn't always work) and AllCast (works, but usually takes a couple tries before it really kicks in). Another thing that I've done is saved media to Drive, which after they process it can be played like a YouTube video, meaning it's streamed from the internet, not across the LAN.
7y, 45w 1 reply
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Martijn You might want to give the extension I linked a go then. Still dragging things to the browser, but so far it has supported every file I threw at it. Including MKV.
7y, 45w reply