😀 Tom It seems like there is always one thing missing from TV shows and movies that portray the future: construction. I don't know how it is in other countries, but almost everywhere I go in the U.S., there is always construction going on. I think it's more delusional to believe there won't be construction than it is to believe in time travel.
Fiatjaf people should have already learned that in the future these things they are constructing will seen like crappy useless pieces of the past.
8y, 49w 1 reply
Martijn I am not sure if enough links are posted on Sublevel for this to make sense. But it would be cool. I am running a webmention end-point on my site for several weeks now and am hoping more people pick up on the IndieWeb technologies!
Fiatjaf I was thinking more about accepting incoming webmentions, so people could answer to Sublevel threads from their sites. does that make sense?
8y, 49w reply
Martijn It is a usability thing. People are way less likely to forget their email address than what username they picked.
Fiatjaf which people? people not used to computers and the internet, you mean? or people who had an ICQ nickname in their youth?
8y, 49w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I will try to implement both possibilities on Sublevel. I prefer to login with my username too.
Fiatjaf I swear wasn't trying to criticize Sublevel. I really couldn't even remember if Sublevel accepted usernames or just emails.
8y, 49w reply
Fiatjaf why all sites use email as the login name everywhere now? what has happened with 'usernames'? is this a thing of the old internet? I wish I could type 'fiatjaf' everywhere, instead of 'fiatjaf@gmail.com'.
Martijn It is a usability thing. People are way less likely to forget their email address than what username they picked.
🏒 Lucian Marin I will try to implement both possibilities on Sublevel. I prefer to login with my username too.
8y, 49w 1 reply
Fiatjaf I have problem with sites that do not keep my cookies. Why do they force me to type email and password over and over again?
8y, 49w reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin I think I might use classless HTML 5 for my own site and blog, but it definitely won't be a good fit for Sublevel.
Fiatjaf If you end up doing so, please contribute the theme you will end up creating for your blog, and let's discuss any issue you encounter with the basic HTML structure, it is still modifiable.
8y, 49w reply
Fiatjaf I've seen you starred my github.com/fiatjaf... (now migrated to github.com/website...). can you share your thoughts about it? I wanna know what did you find interesting and what could be improved.
Martijn I starred it mostly so I would remember to look at it. I am a big fan of semantic HTML so having a basic reusable template sounds like a great idea. But haven't had the time to dive in yet.
🏒 Lucian Marin I think I might use classless HTML 5 for my own site and blog, but it definitely won't be a good fit for Sublevel.
8y, 49w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin Phablets are just a fad. Remember the 17-inch laptops? People were crazy about those. Nobody is producing a 17-inch laptop today. 5-inch smartphone is equivalent to a 15-inch laptop. Anything bigger is useless in the long run.
Fiatjaf everything is a fad. but, in the short run, smartphone "apps" are a fad. webapps will win.
8y, 49w reply
Fiatjaf there are various small social networks out there, where everybody seems to know everybody else and they just chat with each other in public. is there a way to mix them all? integrate them all in one? would that be good?
8y, 49w 1 reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin That will be nice. Now the best thing is to talk about them and see what features are really important.
8y, 49w reply
💬 Subreply Introducing "live" avatars. Everyone will notice your new selfie instantly. This change will make Sublevel appear more alive.
Fiatjaf Do you have plans to support webmentions and other indieweb features? indiewebcamp.com/w...
8y, 49w 2 replies