Eric Why is having only one working earphone so infuriating? It's understandable to be annoyed by it but this experience makes me want to flip cars.
6y, 18w reply ¬
Eric Help I'm starting to enjoy working in Delphi.
6y, 19w reply ¬
Eric The main heroes in Turn: Washington's Spies are really unlikable. Is this because I'm British rather than American or are they just poor characters? I can't imagine I'm meant to dislike them, right?
6y, 21w reply ¬
Eric I hit 100 items on my BC wishlist today.
6y, 21w reply ¬
😀 Tom Never heard of such a thing? It's only in every other sci-fi movie and tv show :-)
Eric I feel very foolish now. Yesterday I was imagining a proper keyboard with glass rather than plastic keys. Almost like those glass chess sets you get.
6y, 26w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I played with a Lenovo Yoga Book in the store. I typed on its glass keyboard and didn't made many mistakes. Actually, I felt no difference from a regular keyboard. Muscle memory isn't related to the key feel.
Eric Glass? How's that to type with? Never heard of such a thing.
6y, 26w 5 replies
Eric It's Turtles Classes all the way down
6y, 27w reply ¬
Mark Dain I have a problem at work I'm stuck on and I can't find anything online about this bug. Has anyone ever had a systemd timer configured `OnCalendar=*-*-* 01:30:00` (so 1:30 AM) but it's firing _every 12 hours_?! It runs 1:30 PM too as well as 1:30 AM. Other Linux boxes with "identical, as far as I can tell" configuration behave properly (run once every 24 hours at 1:30 AM). Ubuntu/17.04, Linux/4.9.36, systemd/232. Any tips greatly appreciated, been stuck for days on this!
Eric What does it do when it's set to 13:30?
6y, 27w 3 replies
Eric Very tempted to experiment with some personal off-grid solar power, pity winter just began & the UK gets so little sun year round. Thanks to this great site stumbled upon thru HN's Show Maybe once Spring rolls round again.
6y, 28w reply ¬
Martijn I would like to like this reply another 9 times, because I never would have found this research by myself.
Eric :) your question did capture my imagination
6y, 31w reply
Eric Just had an internal server error after posting Got error page instead of redirect to my reply thread.
6y, 31w 1 reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin That's pretty normal if your browser decides to submit two requests to the server. Your reply will be created on first request. The second request will give you the error instead of creating a duplicate reply. It can happen if your press enter twice quickly or on slow internet connections.
6y, 31w reply
Martijn Would a vampire actually need to suck blood or will a human heart pump most of the blood into their mouths once the carotid artery is punctured?
6y, 31w 2 replies
John Olinda It's interesting to me to see how many teens have the accessibility button enabled on their iPhones.
Eric I've notice a lot of people use it as result of screen or other physical to the phone.
6y, 32w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin CNN wants be faster than Sublevel with their new site. I find it funny.
Eric CNN goes Drudge.
6y, 32w reply
Eric Rediscovering a love for classical, abandoned the bleakness of R4 for R3 for the commute.
6y, 32w reply ¬
Nkrs Working on an extremely minimal C binding between GTK+WebKit and Go for building a desktop application. It's somewhat similar to what the Electron framework is doing, but without Node and C++; I only want a window and an empty canvas, nothing more.
Eric Are you not worried about the size of the resulting application? Electron apps are always behemoths in size & chew resources.
6y, 32w 1 reply
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