Martijn Went to get a bit of a trim, returned with 50% less hair.
Eric Which numbers do you get?
Martijn Numbers?
Eric Different numbers are different lengths, I get a number 4 back & sides and usually a 5 or 6 on top. Are these things not used world wide?
Martijn I have never, ever, heard about that! Not back in the Netherlands nor here in Sweden. Don't recall having seen it in Germany either, though full disclosure, I have never had my haircut whilst in that country.
Eric hahaha, that's surprising, I had these down as a being a world wide thing.
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Martijn It is an interesting concept though, it would definitely make it easier to switch hairdressers when you can go by numbers.
Eric Only if you're going for something simple like a short back and sides, you can go anywhere and just say "5 on the top, 4 back and sides". It is very useful.
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