Eric Bought Lao She's Cat Country today, so far very enjoyable. I really hope Waterstones can keep alive in this digital age.
🙄 Doug Belshaw Great! I start a couple of more 'analogue' months soon so looking for dead-end book recommendations (both fiction & non-fiction).
9y, 29w 3 replies
Eric I recomend the works of Bulgakov, A Country Doctors Notebook is a fantastic read.
9y, 29w 2 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw Thanks! Loved 'The Master & Margarita' so I'll give it a try. :-)
9y, 29w 1 reply
Eric It is the book I read before M&M, absolutely fantastic. You will need a strong stomach at one part, be warned. Read, read, read!
9y, 29w reply
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