Kristineaz Does anyone know how to fix the SUPER freakin' TINY font on some programs in Windows 8.1 on a Dell XPS9530? Software such as Word or Excel are fine. But other stuff, like Photoshop, the font is soooo incredibly tiny I just can't see it. It's about the size of a gnat! Is there a fix for this? I've failed in my Google searching.
Eric Can't say for 8, but on Win7: Control-Panel > Display > Change Font Size > Custom Font Size
9y, 30w 3 replies
Kristineaz Thanks for the suggestion but that isn't the problem area. :)
9y, 30w 2 replies
Eric Sorry can't be much more help :)
9y, 30w 1 reply
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Kristineaz It's okay. I appreciate the attempt! Just such a silly issue that one would think they would have easily adjusted to before releasing new laptops. Oh well! :)
9y, 30w reply