10y, 17w Doug @doug
Doug Is there any way to change or edit one's username here?
10y, 13w 1 reply ¬
Ray Not sure.
10y, 13w reply
Doug Heard some nice tracks this evening on SomaFM. More new music for my upcoming podcasts.
10y, 13w 1 reply ¬
Ray I've never tried SomaFM. Will do so soon.
10y, 13w reply
Ray Yes! It's awesome. Well done.
Doug Very well done
10y, 13w reply
Ray Nice, fresh new design here on Sublevel.
Doug I like it!
10y, 13w reply
Doug About to head out into some gorgeous weather.
10y, 15w reply ¬
Doug I think I'm going to start blogging more,,,general topic matter, as I when I started back in '07.
10y, 16w reply ¬
Ray There's a small and growing movement known as the "IndieWeb" indiewebcamp.com
Doug Investigating..stay tuned!
10y, 16w reply
Vajra OK. Found out how to do it. So easy. Note to self: open thine eye Cyclops.
Doug Hello...I saw another post here about simply logging in via your phone browser. Is that what you've discovered? I, too, searched for an app to no avail.
10y, 16w reply
Doug Barebones and minimalistic, . Let's see how she flies.
10y, 17w reply ¬
Doug Hi all. Ray, thanks for the intro
10y, 17w 1 reply ¬
Ray is here too
10y, 17w reply