🙄 Doug Belshaw I'm seeing more stuff like this recently: teleogistic.net/20...
🦿 Lucian Marin Some people prefer quality over quantity, others quantity over quality. It's hard for one system to please both parties. Sublevel solves the feedback loop instead. I think this is the future, not only for communication, but also for learning.
9y, 32w 3 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw Indeed. I know you're busy building/refining the platform, but I'd like to see more explaining the underlying idea, the roadmap, reasons for not open sourcing, business models, etc. :-)
9y, 32w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin The idea is simple: do everything you want with Sublevel, it's just a tool. :)
9y, 32w 1 reply
🙄 Doug Belshaw Tools have affordances and built in biases because they're made by humans.
9y, 32w reply
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