Martijn Running Carbon Copy Cloner to back-up as many files as possible. Next up: getting OS X El Capitan going.
Mark Dain I'm an atheist but... I'm praying for you. Good luck with the upgrade! I'd personally advise against it though
8y, 30w 2 replies
Martijn Yosemite hasn't ever given me a single hick-up or network issue or whatever others were having. So I have good hopes for El Capitan as well.
8y, 30w 1 reply
Mark Dain Maybe I just got unlucky but there's others online who say the same things: news.ycombinator.c... what's worrying is iOS 9's first two updates fixed really fundamental issues like finishing the setup or activating iMessage, the latter affected me. I'd expect these to just work since they're so important. I reckon they'll be similar updates for OS X very soon, I'd rather wait for the bugs to be fixed before I upgrade
8y, 30w reply
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