Mark Dain Went to my first class at The Gym, damn I nearly died. Unlike the other 2 there who had a little sweat, I was like walking Niagara Falls! I'm so unfit (but that'll change very soon)
Martijn I'm going to be cycling 20 km/day again soon. Looking forward to getting my old shape back!
7y, 45w 6 replies
Mark Dain I've cycled 12.57 km today and my legs really hurt because of it. I can't imagine doing 20! Is this for work?
7y, 45w 5 replies
Martijn It's the Netherlands man. I will be moving to live just 10 km from work, and will be travelling to and from. When I was 12 I first started cycling 10 km to school (and back again) daily. It is how people get around here
7y, 45w 4 replies
Mark Dain Wow you people must be very fit!
7y, 45w 3 replies
Martijn Fit doesn't really factor into it, cf.
7y, 44w 2 replies
Mark Dain Ok, I see there's a cultural difference, however cycling burns a lot of calories so I'd be quite surprised if you didn't lose any weight cycling daily. Also why is it every time I see a comic like this (showcasing cultural differences) the ignorant guy is always American?
7y, 44w 1 reply
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Martijn Choose a Western civilisation that can clearly be pictures using stereotypes and is relatively oblivious to other countries: end up with the USA. Though this one is Scandinavia vs the world, USA is definitely not the only ignorant character. You might enjoy the Brexit one on that site too!
7y, 44w reply