Dorcas Recently, logging in to facebook has become an obligation rather than a form of socialization.
Remixedcat when you got over 1200 friends it's a chore to go thru all the feed crap.... and the algorithm is terrible now..
8y, 48w 3 replies
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😀 Tom I kept mine around 150, but even then there was always a lot of crap in the news feed. No matter how many apps or whatever that I blocked, I could never get rid of it all (stupid "funny" pictures, scams, chain-posts, etc).
8y, 48w 1 reply
Mobimach I have about 500. Not much "noise" since I took the time and effort to apply some Facebook's controls. Deeply embedded and sometimes obscure but they work for me.
8y, 47w reply
Dorcas Ah no, I only have a few ones whom I personally know.
8y, 48w reply