Dorcas Recently, logging in to facebook has become an obligation rather than a form of socialization.
😀 Tom I feel like I've been missing things because I can't access Facebook, but I don't want to see all those stupid pictures and scams and crap that everyone shares. No matter how much of that stuff I blocked, there's always new stuff. I'd like a social network that's as simple as Sublevel, but that has the ability to have "private" conversations and share news with only those who've been allowed (like "friends" in Facebook).
8y, 50w 1 reply
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Dorcas Yeah, I kind of wish that bit of "privacy" here, if only given the chance. But I sure like the way Sublevel is now. And yes, lots of non-sense appearing on facebook making it less likely to log in there daily. Only if not for group works, meh.
8y, 50w reply