🏒 Lucian Marin You can get Civilization V for Mac for free: macrumors.com/give...
Martijn Out of codes now. Guess I'll stick to 4 with all its expansions.
9y, 21w 4 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I wish there was a way to transfer purchases because I don't need it.
9y, 21w 3 replies
Martijn I don't really need it either, I am perfectly fine with the old versions. More than that actually. I do hate how MacRumors has been "working to get more codes" and telling me to "stay tuned" ever since I saw your link. If you ran out of codes, just stop the give-away...
9y, 21w 2 replies
Mark Myerson They have put more codes up now //
9y, 21w 1 reply
Martijn Thanks for the heads up, I grabbed a code!
9y, 21w reply
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