Nagaprakash V. What is the requirement for a good short film? And, what is the borders for it? I have wrote a basic outline of a story today, can you guide me?
Aleks How short are we talking? A 20-min short film or one closer to 5?
9y, 24w 3 replies
9y, 24w 2 replies
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Aleks Twenty is like a TV episode. Overly simplifying, but some shorts are full stories and some are experimental ones - trials of camera techniques, characters, scenes and so on. They are like lab experiments and not really enjoyable for the average person. I recommend making something closer to a real story, if you want to show it to people other than people in cinema. It doesn't mean that you can't experiment - you could still do that, but as long as you have a story, people will enjoy it. I can't reply to my reply on Sublevel, but when you answer, I'll write more. Tell me more about your idea/intentions/plan.
9y, 23w 1 reply
Nagaprakash V. Actually it's having a story only now, not even perfect script. A ttenager facing few struggles when he searching for his missing costly cycle, He bought last day. The interactions of people around him and the new people he meet on the way of his search is the plot for this short film. This is going ask how life style could change a persons behaviour, in terms of cast or money or education...
9y, 23w reply