🏒 Lucian Marin Everyone dreams up to go in space, but very few people realize that we are in space. Why do you want to go somewhere if you are already there?
😀 Tom Not sure what you mean. My goal to go into space is not so much a dream, but a bucket list item. I'm going to try to go up as an astronaut (hopefully for a Mars mission). Failing that, I'll just purchase a ticket as a space tourist.
9y, 20w 3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I mean that all the laws of the Universe are available on Earth. There's no much need for humans to go somewhere else. Robots are more efficient at exploring the space than us. I'll definitely want a personal remote controlled robot on Mars. But I'll never go to Mars.
9y, 20w 2 replies
😀 Tom It's a stepping stone in further progress, not to mention a pinnacle of human achievement.
9y, 20w reply
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