🏒 Lucian Marin I designed a new icon for Monochrome. It can be seen on in action on lucianmarin.com/mo... or on dribbble.com/shots... for an up-close shot.
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Dongsung Kim The dribbble link seems broken.
9y, 32w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Because I deleted the original and replaced it with a new one. dribbble.com/shots...
9y, 32w 1 reply
Martijn Real nice! I have to admit I haven't used Monochrome after the old free version was removed when I updated to Yosemite. I'm to cheap and broke to pay for a browser Maybe add the original SVG as a Dribbble attachment?
9y, 35w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I am too. That's why I can't give it away for free anymore. You have to pay to add Dribbble attachments.
9y, 35w 1 reply