Tyler Deitz something i'm working on for a web design class. really happy with the pure css logo calpoly.edu/~tdeit...
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🏒 Lucian Marin You should really work on the colors. Blue and orange don't work well together. Maybe you should try a color scheme from pltts.me.
9y, 47w 1 reply
Tyler Deitz I improved my color palette and shrunk everything down a little. old: i.imgur.com/20XN29... -> new: i.imgur.com/VpPu8a.... What do you think?
9y, 47w reply
Martijn Cool idea with the logo, but did you mess-up the viewport settings for mobile? I can't zoom out yet nothing fits
9y, 47w 2 replies
Tyler Deitz nothing's been structured for mobile yet, I just included the correct viewport meta information for when I get to it ;)
9y, 47w 1 reply