Martijn Interesting use of Apple's new San Francisco, replacing Helvetica Neue in Yosemite's interface: cc:
🏒 Lucian Marin Helvetica fits better with the visual style of Yosemite. In other news, it seems that Twitter has become a photo sharing app.
10y, 4w 3 replies
Bas I didn't expect it, but somehow I find it hard to scan for content in Helvetica. Especially in Mail. Aesthetically it doesn't seem to be such a big improvement over Lucida Grande either. To me, it mainly works for headers, titling. I guess it was needed to align OSX to iOS, which never used Lucida.
10y, 4w 1 reply
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🏒 Lucian Marin Seravek is really nice and it's a step up from Lucida Grande. I even consider using it for Sublevel, but it isn't available on Safari for iOS.
10y, 3w reply