Martijn I like permanent things. My wallet is made of aluminium and I prefer longer lasting hardcover books. All my digital assets feel so feeble compared to this.
Dongsung Kim The point aside though, beware of the aluminum things! They tend to make permanent black scratches on other aluminum things and also on themselves; MacBooks, iPads, cameras, external batteries... I once borrowed a small Sony camera from a friend for my trip, carried it in a bag during the time, and ended up buying it from him because the damage was just too severe. It seems every digital device these days is made of aluminum, so to prevent them from touching each other I started to put some in a plastic bag, in my usual bag. Sometimes I miss the old days of plastic devices.
9y, 46w 2 replies
Martijn I never knew they had that effect on each other! Learn something new every day. Good thing my MacBook doesn't fit in my pocket with my wallet.
9y, 46w 1 reply
Dongsung Kim Ha, that's sorta kinda relief! ;D But an iPhone (or HTC, or metalic Samsung) would! These days smartphones are incredibly thin, sometimes it makes me forget things you know...
9y, 45w reply
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