Josh Sharp I like that the ellipses are now red, but I kinda wish that long posts weren't truncated in my feed. Rarely are they so long that they'd disrupt the flow, and I'd prefer a bit of visual variety in length anyway, vs clicking through to read the final three words that got cut off.
🙄 Doug Belshaw Perhaps this works as a default, but there's then an option for a 'full fat' (i.e. untruncated) feed. Wonder what thinks?
10y, 9w 7 replies
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🏒 Lucian Marin It doesn't work well on mobile phones. On desktop it's hard to quickly scan longer entries. Also, it's the writer responsibility to keep it short since Sublevel is not a blogging platform.
10y, 9w 6 replies
Josh Sharp I disagree. Sure, it's *longer* on mobile phones, but that's different to it not working. If the cutoff is the writer is being implicitly chastised for writing too long a post then it'd be nice to be given an indication as to where it's going to cut off. I like that you're opinionated about this stuff, but some of the decisions make Sublevel *harder* to use. Also, is shorter better? You could argue for pithiness, sure, but I could argue for inanity. Twitter has demonstrated that short thoughts are not particularly deep thoughts.
10y, 9w 5 replies