Pan I am a common lisp programmer. I am working on an editor and a chat protocol. I am not very good, but I am trying.
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Vincent L. Have you had a look at Climacs? It's an emacs-like editor that written in Common Lisp. Just noted it's undergoing a full rewrite:
4y, 9w reply
Itchap I tried scheme at school and I have recently been missing the parentheses. I will probably give a try to CL, Scheme or Clojure
10y, 1d 1 reply
Pan Clojure has good ideas but poor tooling. I messed around with it, loved some things but ended up hating the platform. Scheme is fun, but Common Lisp is tried and true. It will suffice for pretty much anything you want it to do. That
10y, 1d reply